Who I am and why I am here…..

I am a single mom to three wonderfully, awesome young adults and a house full of furry babies as well. I constantly feel like I am lost in the chaos of life. Always doing for others and never focusing on myself. This is my first step for me. A starting point to reflect on what is, what has been and the possibilities of what may come.

That is what you will see when you go to my About page. Simple and to the point. Who I am and why I am here. Had I written that today it would have read more like this:

I am a single mom to three young adults and a house full of smart, amazing mini doxies and one cat that lives in the bathroom. I am always on the go doing stuff for everyone around me. I work full time and volunteer almost as much and spend any free time catering to whatever my children or fur babies want. Every day is an adventure and I am hoping to use this blog to focus on some me time. Some much needed me time at that.

I love my children, but listening to a 16 year old throw up at 6:30 am is not my idea of a great start to a day. Added to that I had to be at work and my son, bless his little heart, couldn’t find it in is schedule to let his sister come to his house and sleep on his couch so she didn’t have to be home alone. Nope not my son. The little darling is 20 and unless it is his idea he isn’t much for visits with his mom and younger sisters. Thankfully my 18 year old daughter spent most of the day with her sick little sister. Spending time with her means they were in the same house most of the day together, not actually hanging out or talking to each other. The sick one spent most of the day in my bed spreading her germs all over the place.

Today I am liking the dogs and even our cat that lives in the bathroom a little more than usual and the kids a little less than usual. It is a toss up day to day who is going to be on top. I love them all, all the time, liking them and how they act all the time Is debatable. Tomorrow will be a new day and I am 98% sure the kids will be back on top.

This is who I am today. The reason for this blog has stayed the same since my first attempt. This will be a place for me to be me.

5 thoughts on “Who I am and why I am here…..

  1. Monique says:

    Love your style and content …looking forward to reading more!


  2. I like how you said “this is who I am today”. So true. I think we are all made up of many faucets of our personality! And each day is different 🙂 great to meet you!


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